Recording Macro to ChonkerKeys (Mac)
Nigel Choi avatar
Written by Nigel Choi
Updated over a week ago

ChonkerKeys allows flexibility for you to record Macros to a button. The Macros function can automatically and continuously simulate pressing keys on the keyboard. Here is a brief description of the how you can assign Macro for ChonkerKeys.

Step 1: Select the apps layer and button

Step 2: Select Custom Action

Step 3: Record Macros

Step 4: Update Device

1. Select the App layer on the left toolbar and select the button that you would like to record Macro

2 Choose Custom in the dropdown menu of Action

Image of selecting Custom key action in the 'Action' menu

3. Click on the action form below the Custom Action

Image of recording Custom key strokes in the input field under the action menu

4. Enter the Macro with a maximum of 3 Macro keys simultaneously, and the software will record it.

Image of recording Custom key strokes (Maximum 3 key strokes)

5. If you have trouble entering shortcuts that require modifiers like the Command ⌘ or Option ⌥ keys such as [ ⌘ + Tab ], [ ⌘ + Shift + 5 ], or [ ⌘ + ⌥ + Esc ], try entering the [Command ⌘ or Option ⌥] + second key at the same time, followed by the next keys.

Using [ ⌘ + ⌥ + Esc ] as an example:

  1. clear and click the Macro entry box

  2. press ⌘ + Enter

  3. press ⌥ + Esc

6. Update Device to flash the change to the ChonkerKeys

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